Do this simple exercise to be more aware of who you are

in #lovushacademy6 days ago

Man is a self-aware entity.

Unlike other physical creatures, such as animals, man can reflect upon its nature and be conscious of its selfhood. Consequently, men and women along the history to ask one simple question –

Who Am I?


Image: Joseph Lee on

And indeed, no one can avoid asking that question at some point in their lives, be it at an early age or towards the end of the specific reincarnation. In this post, I would like to raise that question and suggest a practical exercise that would allow you to glimpse into your expanded identity.

First, it should be said that the answer I give to that question is no-answers. Meaning, who we are is a never-ending process of creation. What is certain that we are not just our limited human self. Therefore, if we are neither our personality, our feelings, and our thoughts – what are we?

Religious scripture and spiritual philosophies may claim that our essence resides beyond this world. They would say that we are part of god, part of nature, a portion of All that IS, and therefore we are all one entity. I for one am not sure whether those who wrote those scriptures have ever experienced firsthand the practical implications of their words. I suspect that if a human being really emergeג into All That IS – if such a thing is possible at all – s/he would be rejected for lack of understanding. "Those" entities that "comprise" the thing called "All that Is" would not be able to absorb that human being. I would go one step further to claim that "All that IS" is nothing but a human concept, a creation of our questioning mind. In essence, there is no such thing, as far as our human experience is concerned. To put it in simpler words, we, humans, had better deal with closer concepts of selfhood before we try to grasp the infinite.

The Multi-Self

Mט readers will excuse the somewhat simplistic description but there is no way to convey with words the essence of the notion. You will have to experience yourself what it means to be aware of your Multi-self.

Therefore, I will give you the following exercise to execute throughout the day. With persistence and intent your dream world will take you to meet other portion of yourself.

The exercise goes like this – during the day consciously think about your life. Ask your self out loud or with clear words inside your head "who Am I?" Tell yourself that you understand that you are not your thoughts, not your feelings. Then, naturally, your mind will pop-up the inevitable question – So who Am I? What am I?

At this point stop thinking. Your mind cannot provide a sufficient answer. Before you go to sleep run again those questions in your mind. Tell yourself that you will receive answers in your dreams and that you will remember your dreams upon awakening.

What to expect?

You will have dreams in which you will be faced with the issue of your identity. For instance, you may look in the mirror and see a different face. At once, your Ego will wake you up with shock and horror. Breathe, relax and tell your Ego that you are safe, that no one will steal you or haunt you. Your dreams may be symbolic, meaning, you will create scenarios in which you will experience theft, stealing etc. You may dream that your wallet or purse are being stolen. These dreams will get your mind acquainted with its Selfhood. Upon awakening ponder about your dreams, write them down. In time your reality will be enriched in a way that will be unique to you.

Enjoy the ride.


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