The revolution of MaidSafe

in #maidsafe8 years ago

I'd like to dedicate this post to SAFE Network, an open source project developed by MaidSafe.
It's not easy to explain it, but in a nutshell you can imagine to merge

1. Bitcoin (a p2p payment network where the transactions are validated by the miners 
   (rewarded with new coin) and written on a public and distribuited ledger called blockchain)
2. Tor network (a p2p decentralized anonimous network)
3. Cloud services like Google Drive or Dropbox
4. Dapp concept (Decentralized applications) like on Ethereum.

So, with SAFE Network you can:

1. New p2p payment network that doesn't rely on the blockchain.
   But...why no blockchain?
   Because you have a lot of limitations: 
    * scaling problem (the more the network grows,the biggest the blockchain will be
      (you can imagine it like a big database)
    * the famous block size problem. With the bitcoin protocol you can only do few
      transions per seconds (VISA handles on average around 2,000 transactions per second (tps)) 
    * centralization of the mining pools .
   You can imagine the SAFE Network like an ordered and antifragile ant colony, 
   ("the antifragile system gets better on stress") where each single ant (node of the network) 
   has a limited and predetermined behavior and the consensus is reached by the close groups.    
   The SAFE Network allows many millions of transactions per second and the larger the network, 
   the more transactions per second can be executed and there are no fee.
   Without blockchain there is no method to audit transactions,
   so the transactions are anonymous
2. No incentive method there is on Tor in order to sustain the network.
   You can easily connect with the SAFE Network to do any sort of anonymous actions 
   like surfing the internet, chatting, video streaming, uploading 
   etc.. You can choose to offer a little fraction of your free space 
   and computation power or pay a little safecoin fee (the "bitcoin" of the network) to use it. 
   You are a miner, so the more you use it, the more will earn safecoin.
3. Decentralized cloud service with no point of failures.
   Every time you upload files, your data are splitted in a lot of encrypted 
   and compressed pieces, 
   then they are distribuited on a unpredictable order among the nodes of the network.
   In order to grant the integrity of data, files are duplicated multiples times.
   Now, you can start to join the dots --> you can see an anonymous and decentralized network
   supported by incentives of safecoin, where you can (by protocol)
   surfing among the web sites(like tor), creating your web site 
   (without relying on a hosting provider), uploading data and more.
   P.S. Once you pay the initial cost of doing a PUT request(hosting files), 
   the data will stay on the network forever!!!!!!
4. Third party app developers (called Builders in SAFE network speak) 
   would code their safecoin wallet address into their apps and be paid by the network 
   depending on how much their app is utilised by ends users, a gauge of the apps usefulness.
   On the roadmap there will be the development of a smart contract system.

It's not an usual "scam coin". It's a project with a huge potential and if successful it can be a real revolution.
You can see the hard work of the team based on the metrics of github or the web site

It is not an easy project to be developed, because they are trying to create a completely new Internet from the scratch.
So, I advice you to be patient and see the development on github.
There is a roadmap
I like the development process, because there is a continuous and iterative testing process , in order to prevent a distaster like the DAO hack.

To invest on SAFE Network you can buy "pre-token" maidsafecoin that they will be exchanged 1:1 to safecoins once the SAFE Network goes live. (you can buy them on Poloniex)

Thanks for your attention.




There is a lot of synergy between STEEM and SafeCoin. They are both backed by a physical resource. STEEM is backed by its content contributers and SafeCoin is backed by the deep layer of the internet it will provide. I have been in the decentralized space since 2011 and it is so exciting to start seeing these projects blow by centrally controlled platforms like STEEM has done.

I think safe coin and steem could work together. Since we have a user base here now. Why not build an interface that pays out safe coin in steem. I could see the two platforms growing symbiotically. These are the two easiest ways to "earn" crypto if you don't want to be a miner. A match maid (pun) in heaven.

The steem marketing potential is really high. I think anyone that's builds a platform that lets you earn steem will do well to market here and utilize the steem circle j***, for lack of better term.

I'm pro partnership :-)
Maybe as storage solution for the messages?
You could have the picture or video really included in the topic itself and not some 3rd party link which can brake...

Not a revolution. Revolution inherently needs the internet to go back to a previous state, or 'revolve' back. This is a decentrolution - more like a fractal where it is changing into something completely new, yet connected to the previous form.