Is flirting dead?

in #male6 years ago

Sexual harassment is the cultural story of 2017. Famous, powerful, and popular men have been chastised and fired for unwanted sexual advances towards women. Groping, masturbating in front of women, and demanding sex from female coworkers is wrong. Lewd catcalling is obnoxious.
But what about flirting? Do most women in our society now find all compliments from men, and any attention that has a physical attraction flavor to it, despicable? Is the distrust of the patriarchy so strong in many women that any comment about their hair, dress, or smile from a male make then writhe in anger? Is it based solely on the gender of the speaker, or is based on intent? Do women feel these remarks are thinly guised sexual advances that objectify them? Is it ok for women to compliment women? If so, why the double standard? Is it because women's compliments to each other never have any sexual undertones? Are you sure about that?
What is proper social behavior now? Of course we should treat each other with respect and kindness. But is flirting taboo? Is our life better without it? Maybe women would agree it is. But the lack of fun flirty banter between the sexes seems stilted, flat, and frankly, even a little boring.
What are the rules for women in talking to and about men? Can a woman compliment a man's hair, dress, physique without retribution? Is she being creepy if she asks him why he looks glum, and that maybe he should smile? Maybe he feels glum because he is told he cannot tell her how freaking amazing she looks?
So let's bring in 2018 and promise not to comment about women's looks and eschew flirting. To look at a woman that you are attracted to and hide you emotions and bite your tongue about saying anything that could possibly be construed as objectifying them. Sounds like a fun party, eh?


Thank-You for sharing such a useful article