What Are The Top Five Things To Do In Malta?

in #malta5 years ago


Malta is popular for stunning temples, medieval architecture, and underwater caves. The villages and streets will take you to the past markets, museums, and churches.

There are three major islands in the country, and they are Gozo, Comino, and Malta proper. Each one of them is surrounded by the clear blue skies, and azure seas.

It is necessary to pick the right place for enjoying the eateries and cafes that serve fresh seafood. In this guide, we have covered all the aspects related to know about the top five amazing things to do in Malta. Let us discuss them below.

1.Visiting the old capital

Mdina is one of the ancient capitals of Malta, and you will love the view from the scenic hill that is located in the center of the city. The place is popular for eateries, cafes and old museums.

If you are the one who wants to rent or buy an asset, then consider going for the best Malta real estate agency.

2.Exploring Fort St. Elmo

It was the first focal point in the country, and around 1500 knights lost lives in the battle in 1565. Moreover, you can also go for taking a guided tour for gaining more knowledge about the place.


Marvel is considered as one of the most amazing places for seeing lavish architecture. The Mosta Dome is made in classical style, and many travelers love to visit this church.

4.Cave diving

If you are the one who loves diving, then why not go for cave diving in Comino. It is known as the best spot that makes one feel alive. Comino is an awesome island that is between Gozo and the mainland.

At the time of the visit to this location, surely, you will find many underwater caves and helps to explore a wide range of marine life.

5.Horse riding

There may be a time when you want to roam around the country on a horse. It is perfect for visiting Golden Bay for seeing stunning views and you can also go for choosing between various day trips for horse riding.

To conclude, these all are the top things to do at the time of the visit to Malta. Always make sure to book the hotels in advance to ensure that you don’t roam here and there looking for the right one.