Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers. (Voltaire)

in #man4 months ago

When someone asks a question, you only focus on the answer you are about to give (often). But, did you know that there is so much you can learn about the other person if you actually focus on the question they are asking. Why is that?

A question will give you lots of knowledge about the person asking. For example, it will give you knowledge about what is going on in the mind of the person asking.

A futuristic neon lit cyborg face.webp

It will also let you know how much that person know about a certain topic. If it is a very basic question or a stupid question, that will give you a certain information about how much that person knows of the topic at hand.

But, there are even more things. Someone asking a question might have even more going on inside. Maybe they are curious about the other person? Maybe they show interest in a topic that others don't care about? Is the person eager to learn and to grow?

In the same way, you can also learn a lot about persons by seeing how they do not ask questions. So, the lack of questions might also reflect and give you info about that given person.

That was a lot of things to think about, wasn't it?


Your post made me realize how much we can learn about someone by the questions they ask, it might show their curiosity, knowledge, and eagerness to for something in specific, giving you answers to questions about them you might not even have to ask 😅, deeper connections and understanding. 🤔💡

It was kind of an eye-opener to me as well, so I'll try to focus more on learning more about other persons by their questions after this :)