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RE: Manifesting the Village: "Owning The Land"

in #manifestation4 years ago

I really like what you have to say here. I'm a bit more of a propertarian myself, but on some level I agree with your statement about land ownership. As a result of my skepticism about the absoluteness of land ownership in perpetuity, I've come to the conclusion that the concept of land ownership, along with a lot of the civil structure of our modern society, is really just a set of rules designed in such a way that if they are honored, people can coexist peacefully. Their purpose is strictly as an agreement between people, not necessarily between nature and men. If there weren't other people around, why would one need to possess anything at all? It would all be there for the taking in unlimited quantity.
Unlike Rothbard however, I believe that land can in fact be abandoned and that when it is it should be free to be homesteaded by the next enterprising people who come along and put it to good use. Just like you can't leave an old junky car lying on the side of the road and expect to come back and claim it years later after someone claims and restores it, you can't just leave a piece of land unused for decades and expect to have a claim against squatters who come along and start mixing their labor with it in your absence.
My favorite part about what you're trying to do here though is that you've found a way to fulfill your dream peacefully. It goes against pretty much everything our current society embodies, and yet you've found a way to do it that doesn't use force. There's something beautiful about that. Thanks for sharing.