Manna - The Free Universal Basic Income Coin

in #manna6 years ago (edited)


Cryptocurrencies are usually an investment game. There are few exceptions like Steem and earning bounties like SmartCash via Steemit. But there is one coin that is designed to be distributed to everybody for free: Manna.

The Universal Basic Income

The idea of the UBI is not new. Receiving a monthly basic income to cover your basic needs is circling through political discussions all over the world. Cryptocurrency has now made that available to everyone. All you need to do is register yourself with your mobile phone number and email address to start receiving weekly Manna payouts. They use a certain algorithm to minify the double identity problem for people who use multiple Sim cards to create new accounts.

Manna is the rebranded Grantcoin which was founded in 2015 as a case study. In March 2018 it started to issue Manna to the public. Every seven days there are new Manna distributed to all registered people. Currently there is a mobile wallet on Mannabase without a send or receive function yet as well as a release candidate wallet for Windows and Linux. The platform is still heavily under development but you can already earn your free weekly Manna and promote it to others with your referral link.

If you sign up with a referral link, YOU will get 50% bonus in addition to your basic income distribution. Me as the referral is getting a multiplication for each new signup. This is a huge win-win for both parties.

Read the Manna Whitepaper for more details.


In my first week I have received 16 Manna. The current market price is $0.015 USD per Manna so that is about 24 cents a week or one Dollar a month. Not much at the moment but the project is still very young and growing. Since January the market cap has grown over 50% already. With the clever referral system the ecosystem will grow organically and allow many people to get a foot into the crypto world even without any own investment in form of money or time.

There are 43 Million Manna supply with a current market cap of 683 Thousand USD. This is still very low capital compared to other coins and we have yet to see how the constant selling pressure will influence the growth of Manna when the transactions are finally possible.

What do you think about Manna and what possibilities do you see for its and our future?


Well the idea of free money always raises red flags for me. basic needs still have to be provided and maintained somehow, time and effort and thus value must be applied. What would be the incentive for workers to continue investing their time and value into the very systems that are providing them and everyone else with the basic necessities? if they are provided for then why continue working, just to provide for everyone else? instilling a universal concern for others sounds like a dangerous element of the deadly collectivist ideologies of the not-so-distant past.

Material things given for free quickly become worthless.

How is this different?

Yeah, that might be true for some while others will be empowered through such a freedom. I am not saying that the states should do UBIs as the only thing the state should do is cease to exist!

However, I don't think people would stop working if their basic needs are covered because they still want to buy a smartphone and a big TV to get sucked into the matrix again. And that is not covered by a UBI.

But that is a philosophical discussion that probably does not apply very much to this coin yet. The free market will very quickly show how much they value this idea and the price of the coin will react accordingly.

I think the idea of a UBI is executed best in form of a crypto as it leaves the state out of it. And I am looking forward to see how this project develops.

Where I live there are many on a basic state provided income. Some don't do anything, but others do volunteer work on a regular schedule. In such a system it's up to us to motivate and/or help others find something they are passionate about and their contributions will follow. Will this idea work? I don't know, but it seems everything else has been tried so there is nothing to lose.

Go for it. Combining this with Steem and we get a some crypto in our pockets and participate in the boom without even investing.

Wow. I love reading about the way cryptocurrencies enable political and philospohical ideas that, until now, have been just the domain of discussion over wine after dinner. Fascinating. I LOVE the name. :) This post totally needs a resteem too, btw!!

Cryptos will change everything! Thanks for the resteem :)

Agree I think this is really cool.

This sounds awesome - what could be the down side? I'll give it a try. Why the f not. Thanks for sharing.

Imagine this used to help the impoverished and less fortunate. Hell give them to kids every week so long as they are in school - they can't touch it untill they are 18 - giving them a nest egg to start their lives with. Incentivise it further by bumping up the amount based on a good grade scale.

That's a great idea! Creating an account for your children and handing it over when they are at age is really cool.

I got in on Manna a bit ago because of @taskmaster4450's belief and dedication to its' possibilities. Anything that even offers the possibility of an income for all, is certainly worth investing in, or at the very least, learning more about.

With the clever referral system the ecosystem will grow organically

...and that doesn't hurt as well!

Thank you for bringing more attention to UBI and Manna!

Great that you are already onboard. Is it always 16 Manna each week?

That I am not sure of! I'm hoping @taskmaster4450 makes his way here because he will be able to answer all of your questions!!

I never thought of writing a post about it (why? I don't know!), but it's such a good idea to spread the word. Thank you for that!

This is cool. I am loving the intellectual conversations in the comments.

I too have my doubts about it. I love the idea, but I have a tough time seeing it sustain its value if it is being given away. If nothing else it is an interesting experiment. I will sign up and see the manna pour in :D

Yeah, I see it as a game and experiment. People invest in SBD as well although there is a also a huge selling pressure on it. So why not? ;)

There are so many experiments going on in the cryptosphere... they will form that foundation for the new world. We will see which ones take off and which ones fail in the coming months / years. Free crypto is still free crypto. Thanks!

Great info, I think manna will grow in the future. I will learn this information, who knows I could join too. Good job @flauwy, thanks.

Well, we will see if the value of Manna goes up as most people would probably want to sell their Manna to trade for other cryptos. But we will see. All is possible in the crazy crypto world.

Yes joined that and its great to get some free over the time seems like it price will go up soon lets just hope so

Well, we will see if the price goes up. Very possible and yet not the most attractive coin to invest in from a financial perspective. But the same could be said about the SBD and people buy that.

wow i need to try to get this one looks fantastic :) who would not love to get some free universal income

It is not much yet but look at the referral system. That gives you basically one income extra for each new person you refer.

Hi, i got my first basic income a few days ago. (Sorry but I can use your referral)

How much did you get weekly? Around 16 like on the picture?
Few days ago price was 0,011 now is 0,017-0,019$

Yes, I got 16 for the first week.

love to get some manna i am registering it

Manna & Steem! :)

Great and valuable informations regarding Manna. Thank you @flauwy for update.

Thanks for sharing cryptocurrency update providing news.
I appreciate your of luck

Your welcome. We are all growing together here.

@flauwy how could we believe in such project which claims to be distributing money for free?

That's the thing. Nobody knows. It's a wild card. Since you cannot trade it you can only earn for free. That's it. Maybe it is worth something in a few years. Doesn't cost you to try.

Semoga akan berkembang dan menjafi manfaat atas kejayaan crypto

Thanks for sharing news
i love you cryptocurrency
I appreciate your post

Great update news, I like it.
Thanks for sharing this crypto currency
I appreciate your post... best of luck.

Changing the world Cryptocurrency!
So many uses yet to be tapped!!

Great update news..
Thanks for sharing this cryptocurrencies..
I appreciate your post..Best of luck

i have some but can't withdraw it at the moment

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Thanks @flauwy for bringing this to my attention... I just signed up with your referral code. Not really sure how it works - but they just told me that the next Manna distribution is in about 2 days... This is really a fascinating example of the philanthropic potential of the blockchain.

Very interesting friends, you have a good talent in steem