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RE: Recent museum I did, American Museum of Natural History

in #marchinleo • 4 months ago

What an unfortunate placement of the exit sign. Should be free for photos and admiring the ancient bird 🤣 But I guess people need to know where the exit is too.

Nice post, thanks for participating and sharing. And yes! you won a premium subscription! Once the current one expires.


Hello, my premium just ended, I was wondering how to get the one I won in the contest last month ? I am guessing you have to do it manually. Thanks again for the prize.


Sorry for the wait. We are sure we are gonna delivery the premium subscriptions, but we don't have a date because several things require attention as well. I would recommend if you don't wanna wait too long, to get your own this month and we have a list with all the winners to give the subscription once the one they have active when we are doing the payments has expired.

Great thank you for replying.