Marcus Molinaro Wins Again, Goes to Washington, and Saves the World

in #marcuslast year


Marcus Molinaro Wins Again, Goes to Washington, and Saves the World

We prematurely congratulated Marcus Molinaro, our new Congressman for NY-19, on the day before the 2022 midterm election. In the aftermath, some cynical observers scoffed that his campaign was among the narrowest victories in the entire nation. Nothing can be further from the truth. It was profound.

Here’s why: Every single Molinaro voter in 2022 cast their ballot for a candidate they unquestionably knew & believed in, either from direct experience, or approximate reputation. He was a known entity. So although the final spread may have been relatively miniscule, those individual votes were rock solid, compared to the hollow votes of the opposition, which floated on water & hot air, in seeming defiance of gravity.

Molinaro’s votes were founded upon hard work, determination, and achievement. They were bricks of raw granite & local millstone, the impenetrable bedrock beneath this district’s underlying grit.

The other guy, by comparison, was a carpetbagger entirely unknown to his political base, unrecognized, and unearned. Those competing ballots were based on nothing but a sandwich bag popped inside a grammar school lunchroom - as the ancient Greeks would say: “pneuma.”

Therein lies the actual breakdown, not a superficially slim margin, but a tectonic chasm between two opponents: one representing the home team, while the other, along with his supporters, figuratively living on an entirely different planet.

Added to everything else, is the fact that Molinaro was re-re-gerrymandered out of his own Congressional District, at the very last minute. He ran his soft-spoken campaign in adjacent counties, appealing to a new neighboring constituency. So every voter who elected Molinaro to Congress, for the most part, never enjoyed him as a directly elected official before.

The same situation proved devastatingly fatal for U.S. Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney in NY-17, the influential DCCC chairman, who found himself in a very difficult predicament, and suffered a humiliating & nationally significant defeat. We can sleep soundly assured that Maloney’s downfall was entirely of his own making; having fallen victim to the very same redistricting scheme which boomeranged against himself and proved to serve as his own demise.

Molinaro’s win was fatefully a consequence of every single move he previously made, during his impressive career, up until now. It is a long, mostly unsung story, one which would make his new district feel honored.

Marcus doesn’t toot his own horn, it’s one of things we admire about him. This trait handicaps him as a candidate, in terms of running & winning straight popularity contests. Molinaro lost a Gubernatorial challenge against Andrew Cuomo back in 2018. Incumbent Cuomo, a consummate campaigner, later proved rotten beneath the surface, and resigned in utter disgrace.

Marcus Molinaro is the opposite of Cuomo in almost every way; he doesn’t brag, deliver long-winded sanctimonious speeches, or hold grudges as a partisan bully. Instead, Marcus simply gets the job done, and performs above par. He is fair, independent, with exceptional civic capability and experience.

That’s exactly the kind of person we want in Congress, not just for our own district, but EVERT district.

Our new Congressman succeeded in spite of strong big tech social media bias, committed in collusion with Deep State operatives & Democratic Party apparchicks, as disclosed elsewhere in this newspaper’s edition. Marcus’s Twitter followers were squelched and shadow-banned outnumbered more than ten-to-one, in both the special and later general elections (as were most every other Republican candidate in the nation, a huge unreported “in-kind” campaign finance violation).

The only criticism Molinaro’s opponents could come up with during the 2022 campaign, is that he drove a late-model SUV while working as Dutchess County Executive for the past ten years. He even got into an auto accident one wintry night, on the eve of a serious blizzard (the other driver panicked in a snow slick, and collided into Molinaro, who was en route to the Emergency Management Center). And that simply drives the point home, why Marcus had that SUV to begin with, in order to be at work, on-call, 24/7, no matter what the weather or road conditions.

This is the Marcus Molinaro we all know, respect, and voted into Congress; proven again and again, over more than half his life. The young boy who asked his mother for permission to run for village councilman, “yes son, as long as you do your homework,” came back as the youngest mayor in American history, with a national television interview on the David Letterman show. Throughout his career as a public servant (as opposed to mere “politician”), Marcus has repeatedly been upgraded due to excellent performance.

And we, as a community, have watched along approvingly. “Hey, Mom, is it okay if I run for Congress,” he asked. “Yes, son, as long as you make your country proud.”



Daily Eagle News
Established July 4, 2019