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RE: Mexico Has Just Legalized Medical Marijuana

in #marijuana7 years ago

So are you trying to blame Mexico for Americas drug Problems , the United States is the biggest Consumer of Illegal narcotics in the world . Mexico is not putting a gun to their head and making people snort it . Portugal legalized all drugs and their drug use plummeted . Prohibition of any drug just raises the crime rate on both sides of the border . If you want to Blame someone for the rampant drug use that goes on in this country at least blame the right people . Majority of people who are hooked on Heroin and Opiods started off with Pharmaceutical prescription Drugs . Also keep in mind their are more people dying from pharmaceutical drugs than all illicit drugs put together .

Sort: what you're saying is that we should just legalize everything and we'll be OK?? Not blaming Mexico or Canada. But legalizing everything is not gonna make the world a better place....and neither is any form. Look at a problem in a half here. a problem also. So legalizing isn't going to help anything.

There is no Such thing as a perfect World . look at all the problems that were caused during prohibiton when alcohol was illegal . its no different today the only thing that changed was the illegal substances . and yes i do believe that legalizing all of them is a better solution than what we have today . that way these people can get help and become productive members of society instead of throwing them in jail and making the problem worst .