Dead Cross in the Dow Imminent.

in #market6 years ago

In this report I cover the early market action from London on Wednesday, April 11th, 2018.

I go over the technical picture for the stock market, the dollar and gold. I note that the Dow is close to a Dead Cross where the 50-day moving average moves under the 100-day moving average.

I also go briefly over the current geopolitical headlines.

▶️ DTube

when dow start to crash it is time for a gold

good morning maneco64, thank you for the updates as usual have a good day. :)

Good morning Andrew and have a good day too !

Great..update...@maneco64.. Your analysis always give us some good information about stoke market... Thanks... sir..

You are welcome @prince121.

Thanks for sharing update report.
I like your every post

sir your posts are worth a lot more than you get @maneco64

Good work.
I appreciate your market analysis

Very interesting to enjoy. You are analyzing for sure with incredible capabilities. Regards!

Hi, @maneco64

This post is selected and upvoted by free-upvote bot @topbooster

Thank you for updates. You are really a great person providing us with the best information

Thank you for the morning update. You are doing a gret job! :-)

This market is going down, like it or not!

Just when you thought it was safe, here we go again.

"Russia wants peace and prosperity"

Can you tell Ukrainian and Georgian people about that? What you say about Anglo-American Empire can be attributed to Russia also (tenfold). Please do more research on the topic: learn history and watch Russian TV. Do not defend evil.

It wasn't the Russians who started the coup in the Ukraine. The Russians kept their word and withdrew from Eastern Europe after the end of the Cold War while the Americans didn't and have used NATO to surround the Russians.

"The Russians kept their word and withdrew from Eastern Europe after the end of the Cold War"

Yes, but Putin calls it "the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century".

"while the Americans didn't and have used NATO to surround the Russians."

Americans have made no promises about the Eastern Europe. Countries surrounding Russia asked for NATO membership and not the way around. Events in Ukraine and Georgia proved they were right.

Have you heard about Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances? It is a nice reading about how Russia keeps its promises.

Why should we believe anything the West says? The Americans and the British lied about WMD in Iraq, they have been covering up the 9/11 false flag for years and that is why I do not believe one word that the U.S., U.K. and the E.U. say. Does that mean Russia has done things it should not have sure but I tend to believe Mr Putin and when it comes to the events in Syria.

We should not believe everything the West says, but my point is that you should not believe in what Putin says either.