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RE: #Marketfriday Christmas shopping trip

in #marketfriday7 years ago

I was one of nine kids and believe me, there was little and then again, there was plenty. We never went without and we never felt slighted in the least.

My parents forgot to tell us we were poor, so we never knew

Christmas was full of laughter, laced with love and tied up in a million little hugs. Less is really more in this case, each and every gift is opened, passed around and appreciated. I do the same with my own kids. They don't get what I can afford, but they get what their hearts can afford without losing sight of things.

Your pictures are wonderful and there is always a lesson to be learned in your posts. The very best kind.

Only if you don't miss the lesson Thank you so much and Happy Saturday ! Upped and Steemed tip!


I guess we were lucky and fortunate in our ignorance of our parents financial predicaments.
The parents of today have no such luxury as their children are deliberately targeted by ads to bug the life out of their parents for the latest fad, gadget or dodad.
Their ignorance is being exploited.
You make a good point @dswigle love is all they really need. The rest is just noise and distraction tip!