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RE: #Marketfriday Christmas shopping trip

in #marketfriday7 years ago (edited)

Great trip through the market - and down memory lane!

We got an orange, some nuts, a little game (plastic with tiny ball-bearings or a slider puzzle thing) and we were delighted!

We always made sure our kids appreciated their gifts too... unwrapped them one at a time so we could see their faces and then we watched as they played with the box the gifts came in :D

PS @molometer - I need to ask... are you deliberately not upvoting your own post? If not... there's a little box to check when you post your next one :) Do it :)


Ha ha yes exactly. Those teeny little plastic puzzles with the ball bearings in pmsl. We had hours of fun with those, trying to get all the balls into the right socket. Amazing really.
We did the same with our kids. I've got video of them playing for hours with the cardboard boxes the toys came in. The toys...ignored lol

We had so little and yet it meant so much.

PS I usually let other people vote for the first hour or so. So they can make some curation rewards.
I may be doing it all wrong of course? :)