MarketFriday Challenge: Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

in #marketfriday7 years ago (edited)

Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle so with no further ado I give you Scarborough fair, North Yorkshire.

You may have heard the song "Are you going to Scarborough Fair" made famous by Simon and Garfunkel.
The song is an old English folk song which is basically a sung shopping list.

street map.jpg

Like many things in life sometimes it's better to have the imaginary idea of a place rather than the reality. Although I did spot this giant walking through town.


And this Seagull was just waiting for any unsuspecting chip carrying shopper to pass by.

As you can see it was a little wet and windy.

street scene.jpg

scarborough fair.jpg

So we ducked inside the local shopping mall to get out of the weather.

shopping mall.jpg

So there you have it. Scarborough 2017. Not very romantic but that's real life for you. :)

Here is a more traditional version of the song as it may have been sung. Arranged by Mary Goetze and performed by Lumina Vocal Ensemble. Singers: Beth Madigan, Penny Dally, Rachel Sag, Saam Thorne, Anna Pope, Melnda Pike, Kate Tretheway, Rosemary Byron-Scott and Tim Muecke.

Follow me if you want. I spend most of my time on Steemit and YouTube.



Hey you stole my seagull LOL

Isn't it spooky? That seagull turning up in both our posts.
Some kind of magical seagull that can be in two places at the same time lol

What a lovely trip to North Yorkshire, look forward to seeing more photos of the beautiful countryside. Resteemed @molometer

Thanks @nataliemk it was a memorable trip and I have loads more to upload from the North Yorkshire expedition.

Sometimes it's good to get away and break our routine. should be so much more beautiful! They have such possibility to make it a tourist destination. The name recognition is already there. It's sad that they don't market to that. Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme....

It was a bit of a surprise but I don't quite know what I was expecting either lol tip!

That's it? All my life I have sung that song, envisioning it the way that Simon and Garfunkel presented it... or so I thought. They are missing their opportunity! :)

I agree with Melinda on this one, although, I must thank you for showing it off. And wow! That giant was quite big. LOL I have to say, it may have looked a little different on a sunny day. Perhaps. Perhaps.

But, I do appreciate strolling through. I even grabbed a little sage. I was running out. Thank you so much, my friend!! tip!

To make finding the posts easier, would you please leave a link of your post in the comment section of my Market Friday post? This way, nobody will be forgotten or lost. Thank you! Denise xoxo

:) Oh, dear! You have shattered my dreams. I put it on and listened to it, and yes, it still sounds beautiful. But, the version you have is lovely!

Haha I don't think the weather would improve it much. Watch out for that seagull ;)
Thanks for the tip!

So that is Scarborough Fair. I know the song.

Thank you for the song!!! Love this version!