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RE: #Marketfriday Christmas shopping trip

in #marketfriday7 years ago

Tell me about it. lol It's gotten a bit out of hand if you ask me. The orange in the sock is the way to go and as you say, if they are hand made with love that's the best. All this excessive spending is not a good idea especially in these tough times. Adding pressure to people who can ill afford it. tip!


Thanks for the tip, my friend. Not sure how the holidays will be spent this year. First one without Jim and I'm already dreading it all.

This time of year is difficult I'm sure. When everyone is supposed to be 'happy' regardless of the reality we are subjectively experiencing.
It is what it is for you/me.
Do what feels right for you and ignore the 'pressures' of the season.

Good advice. Thank you for that. I juat told my grandkids they were getting an orange. Left them completely baffled.

Baffled is a good start lol maybe it will give them pause for thought. What is this all about really?