Market Friday - Orchid Factory Part 5

Here's part 5 of the orchid factory for this #marketfriday by @dswigle
This orchid farm has around 9 acres worth of greenhouses with nice island displays showing mountains of blooming orchids.
Here's an Ascocenda Vanda, these orchids like to hang off branches in the wild and don't need soil.
Here's a purple one that was my favorite of the Vanda orchid colors.
This is another Vanda orchid nicknamed red berry by the grower.
This picture shows how the Vanda orchids like to grow. They are like a massive air plant.
Here's a tiny bold little orchid with a long latin name, I like the shorter Haupia nickname better lol.
This bold gold orchid is nicknamed a Nugget Digger.
This golden orchid looks similar to the Nugget Digger but it has a larger bloom with subtle color variations. This one is nicknamed Bit-O-Sunshine.
This bright violet orchid is a Potinara Triple Love #1. Who knows how the grower came up with this name...
This bold patterned little orchid is a Zygopetalum. They have a citrus sort of fragrance to them.
Now for a prehistoric dinosaur looking orchid @kaminchan . This bulbophyllum purpureorachis is too hard to spell for even the grower lol. This orchid doesn't look like a flower at all, more like a seed pod that a dinosaur would be munching on.

Well that's it for this #marketfriday


Good post

Thanks :-) gotta love the orchids.

Oh! No! This one is just very scary! I think it will start walking at night and hunt for some insects!!

Its like those venus fly catchers but instead of a mouth it has a tongue lol.

Wow, nice and colorful flowers photography.

Wow! Seriously! This was such a wonderful post!!!

Always an amazing market from you when you get to doing one! I want to let you know how much I appreciate all the time and effort you have spent creating a wonderful post for the challenge this week. It makes me want an orchid!!

Thank you so much !!!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Upped and Steemed

!tip .20

I have enough photos to do another orchid market friday lol. Maybe show progress of the fancy one i bought.

That would be awesome!!! I can hardly wait!

Thanks :-)

Oh, you know it is a pleasure!

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That was an absolute FEAST for the eyes, thanks for sharing. I was particularly impressed by the Vanda orchids, amazing roots!!

I suspect you have to be an expert to grow the vanda orchids. Most of mine are pretty standard though I did buy a fancy ladyslipper one with a deep red almost black flower. Unfortunately the bud didn't open this year and decided to stall and dry out even though it got enough water. Maybe next year it will look like this

Wowww that's an awesome lady slipper~ sorry it didn't work out this year. And now a whole year more of waiting. I had one of my orchids almost in bloom, then... #CATS. I know it was one of them that did it, broke the whole stem right off. I tried putting it in water to hope it would open but no luck.

I have a wild lady slipper that grows here in my yard. It's nowhere near as magnificent as that one. Pink and brown hahaha. Bad combo, but whatevs, I don't have to care for it so there's that...

Oomph yeah the buds are easy to knock off. one year I accidentally knocked over my chocolate orchid and most the buds fell off before they got a chance to bloom. Maybe one day I can get a greenhouse setup going for a better orchid environment (safe from me knocking them over lol).