Some dynamic marketing strategy - Email

in #marketing3 years ago (edited)

Dear Hivers

3.My marketing email is enough for me.
Are you so sure?

91% of email users unsubscribed from a mailing list to which they had previously subscribed. According to a survey by Mashable in the US, 49% of users unsubscribed because the content had become repetitive or boring and 25%cause the content was irrelevant to them.


This means that if you don't regularly rethink your content and if you don't vary your emailings, they will no longer have an effect.

another interesting figure is this that only few email are related and are opened by the user.and if you don't have any marketing strategy bor marketing plan then this is very difficult.

I will give you some good and unique tips to increase your open figure of email.

Email checking is good. You should know that out of 10 mail you don't get only 8 mail in your box.

You have to cheat the spam filter and provide good content so that it cannot drop in spam.

Always keep an eye on your email open rate so that you can change your strategy everytime.

Investigate which content has the highest open and click-through rates and repeat this approach in other campaigns.

2.No one is looking for my business on Google.

Everyone is interested in good product and service no one is looking for business.

90% of adults use search engines and more than 100 billion searches are performed each month around the world.

Still not convinced?
This research often targets companies like yours. For example, the term Belgium batteries gives more than 4.87 million results. Imagine the number of people who google inquire and maybe search for a battery seller. Where is your business located? On the first page or tenth page of the results? You should be visible on internet so that you cannot miss any sales? Or if they find your competition before you do?

A great way to improve your rankings is to have a successful blog. Numerous studies have shown that companies that regularly feed their site with quality content (via a blog, among others) generate up to 67% more leads than companies with a simple static site.

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Thanks for the heads up dear

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