Working the base level of your contact.

in #marketing2 years ago (edited)

Dear Hivers

Start with people who know you well . They can best introduce or recommend you. Think about your colleagues, friends and private or professional acquaintances; your partners, your customers, etc.this can be any person who would give a boost to your network.Because that is the objective: to create a useful professional network for your company.


1 / easy access to LinkedIn member.

To do this, navigate to the 'Add Relationships' option at the top right of your screen. A new page opens and invites you: 'Find out who you know is already on LinkedIn'. From there, follow the directions from LinkedIn.

2 / sterdy expand the the last base of close contacts.

Reconnect with relationships lost to sight (former colleagues or others): beyond the pleasure of reuniting, these contacts can bring very good surprises!
Find people with whom you have studied . To do this, go to the 'Contacts / Add relationships' menu item, then to the 'Former students' tab. Click on a school. You will have access to a list of people you may know.
After each event , conference, meeting or exchange in real life, systematically invite the people you meet to stay in touch via LinkedIn.
Tips for a quality network
It's not the number of contacts that matters , it's the value and potential of those contacts. Don't connect with just anyone, connect only with people with whom you have had real or virtual exchanges.
Surround - you quality people : respect for others, generosity, openness, friendliness will take you far beyond criticism, sarcasm and sorrow spirit.
Remember the importance of a diverse network ! Do not neglect any track (secondary activities, associations of which you are a member, clubs, etc.).
Be generous . Give before asking. Listen before you say. Sooner or later your network will pay you back (and not necessarily where you expect it to).

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