7 Unique Ways to Save Your Custom Make-Up Boxes

in #marketing2 years ago

If you love makeup, like most women, you probably find that your collection grows exponentially. They are usually stored in a cluttered drawer, which not only makes it hard to find your favorite lipstick but also makes the risk of breakage higher. If you want to pick up a little and make it easier to organize your makeup.
There are several types of makeup products, but most of the products are delicate. Hence, brands choose durable packaging to save these products. After using the makeup products, people will throw the boxes. So these boxes cause many environmental hazards. Hence, this blog is only for those people who have no idea about saving boxes. The clever ideas of securing the packaging are

1: Make the Cardboard Drawers

There are several cosmetic products included in them. All over the world millions of women use cosmetic items. However, brads choose the durable custom boxes. So, the focus point is on how they can reuse and save these custom makeup boxes.
Packaging companies use cardboard material to make these boxes durable. You will use the cosmetic products and save their packaging. You will turn them into attractive drawers. The designs and colorable prints give an eye-catching look. You can put the different types of items and save them. This will not only save your stationaries but also enhance the beauty of your room.

2: Turn Old Packaging into Unique Jewelry Boxes

Measure the length and width of the box you want to transform. To make sure it works, glue some pieces of card stock paper on the inside perimeter of your box, making sure they're spaced evenly along the sides. The number of pieces will depend on how many layers you want your box to have. Glue the inside of the box according to your design. Make sure to use straight lines and as little glue as possible so you're not left with an overwhelming amount of adhesive on the inside when it's time for decorating. In this way, you can make appealing jewelry boxes with the old packaging.

Although custom boxes are a great way to show off your style, they can also be used in ways that save you serious money.

3 Make a Great Gift Wrapping

You want to wrap a present for your mother, sister or friend for Christmas but you don't know what to do. Have no fear! If you are in style and have a lot of makeup, chances are that you have a box full of unused makeup that's lurking somewhere around your house. Bring it out, open it up and make this person's holiday special with amazing gift wrapping and give them a beautiful gift.

4. Use Them as Inexpensive and Eco-Friendly Makeup Brush Holders

Do you have a make-up box or case that is almost full but don't know what to do with the expensive brushes inside? Well, why not turn it into an inexpensive and eco-friendly brush holder? Find the box or two that are the appropriate size for your make-up brushes. Make sure they're not too small or too big. You will use the custom makeup boxes as brush holders can be cereal boxes, cracker boxes, shoe boxes, tissue boxes-just about any cardboard packaging you can find around the house.

Cut off one end of the box and discard it. Flip open the other end and flatten out the top of the closed flap so it lays flat with a slight bump in front of it where you cut off that first end.

5: Make Personalized Gift Baskets

Making gifts for friends and coworkers is easy when you have some time and supplies to hand in, but what about the days in between the holidays? What if he or she has no idea what they want? Or do you want to do something a little bit more unique? Whether it's a reward for work well done, or a nice present for your other half, this article will help you find the perfect gift basket.
Some of these gift ideas are from my experience-if I can make them work.

6: Frame the Photos on Your Wall and Display Them

In recent years, the trend of creating art with makeup has taken off and these intricately designed pieces often display a true work of beauty. With this tutorial, you will not only create a framed space to showcase your favorite photos but also enjoy the creative process of doing so.

Decorating your walls with photos of your favorite memories can add warmth and personality to any room. However, framing those memories can be too expensive or difficult to do without professional help.

7: Make the Cardboard Furniture

Thought cardboard furniture was a thing of the past? Well, it might be in the future for some. These innovative illustrators and designers have whipped up cool furniture concepts on a shoestring budget all by using recycled cardboard and custom makeup boxes.

These cardboard furniture designs are not only innovative, but they're also green-eliminating the use of plastic and paper, while also saving tons of time, money, and resources.

Changing Your Dwelling Into a Minimalist's Dream Home

Cardboard furniture designs have also become quite popular in minimalistic home design. Minimalists are known for their straightforward and fast-paced designs that eliminate clutter in favor of a clean, modern look throughout their homes. Though the idea of clearing out our homes to make way for these minimalist furniture designs may seem wrong to some people, I guarantee it will be an absolute dream come true when you see how great they look with your other furnishings.


The make-up industry is huge and there are many great quality products to be found, from matte lipsticks to contouring kits. Make-up boxes can be bought at stores or online to help with storage and organization.
You don't need any special knowledge of these tricks. These methods are very simple, so you don't need to try out any weird ingredients or require any expert advice or skills. All you need is a little bit of creativity and some spare time.