A Little Thanks for Front Line Workers!

in #marketing4 years ago

Town Crier Marketing https://towncriermarketing.ca kicked into high gear when lockdowns started happening in our community and people needed our help. We are back at it again this week connecting long-term care workers with local restaurants and business sponsors in a show of support.


When you pause to think about the front line workers directly connected with preserving the health of the community, it is likely your thoughts go directly to the healthcare professionals in the long term care facilities. It takes a special person to dedicate their career to caring for the older generation in the best of time but even more so when you consider the current pandemic situation.

Here is a recent story involving these heroes and how a few community members united to help in a small way.

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Cedarcroft Place Retirement Residence


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Cedarcroft https://www.allseniorscare.com/residence/cedarcroft-place-retirement-residence/ holds a special place in the heart of this community. With the recent localized outbreak making the news recently https://www.thestratfordlocal.com/news/more-staff-deployed-to-fight-covid-19-outbreak-at-cedarcroft-place/ it was time to rally the troops and do a little something to help the dedicated and impassioned team as they tirelessly work to improve and preserve lives of their residents.

Giving Restaurants


When it comes to restaurants, Stratford is unarguably blessed with an abundance of quality and variety. We know that these establishments are among the hardest hit with travel restrictions and lockdowns but that didn't stop these two fine establishments from leaping at the chance to show their generous support to more of our front-line workers.

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Revival House https://revival.house, including owner Rob Wigan, has repeatedly provided gourmet meals with us since the pandemic began and consistently shows leadership whether in business or community initiatives through tough times. These two community leaders have been known to team up for business, leisure and have carried that over to charitable community acts naturally.

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Keepin' it Creole https://keepinitcreole.ca is perhaps the newest local success story, having launched the restaurant on the very day this delivery happened and provided so many meals despite the soft opening rush. Not pictured here is chef/co-owner Blake Anderson but you can see the handsome smile of Hugh Dwyer through his mask as he relishes the opening of his restaurant, and joyfully supplies these meals for the staff at Cedarcroft.

We will take some time to tell their individual stories but suffice to say, without their support, this delicious delivery would not have happened.

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The delivery itself was quick and contact-free as we loaded the meals into the safe space between the doors using the automatic door opener.


In the end, we were able to combine efforts to deliver 40 hot gourmet meals to cover 2 shifts of dedicated workers who seemed surprised at the delivery, and grateful for our show of community support in a tough time.

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If this picture doesn't give you the feels and make you pause for a second to appreciate the impact of long term care workers, then we don't know what will. We only know that it communicates a small portion of the gratitude we feel for the battle going on to preserve our elder generation. This is what inspired us to help in our small way.

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Community Leaders


Here are a few of the community leaders who rallied to make this happen financially. Each of them are battling their own challenges staying in business, providing employment, and delivering the services on which we have come to depend.

These are among the many locally-owned businesses which deserve your support as you shop local this season. Ultimately we would ask you to change your habits permanently to keep the money in Stratford every season.

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Thank you Long-term Care Professionals!

Please support your local long term health care residences as they ply their passion to enrich the lives of our cherished seniors. We love you Cedarcroft!

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STAY TUNED for more community leadership spotlights and crisis victories. We are just getting started!

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It is difficult to put into words how fulfilling it is to play a small part in supporting community heroes. All we can do is be thankful for being involved and hope it inspires you to get active in your community when it needs you the most.

Sincerely, contact us at contact@towncriermarketing.ca, https://towncriermarketing.ca or at https://www.facebook.com/towncriermarketingcanada/ if we can help you do something like this for your community. Our pleasure.

Thank you for your business support, following our story and sharing in those we tell of our clients. Feel free to create a blog for your business https://signup.hive.io/ and ask us how to leverage it towards success.

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http://www.towncriermarketing.ca - Telling Stories, Building Businesses. Now on Hive


100% UV and reblog.. you should use the #ophumanangels tag to attract more attention. This is the kinda shit I wanna see in my feed

Love from Colorado and the historic Buttermilk Ranch is greatly appreciated!

We have seen you bust out a few random acts of kindness over the years.