The bubble has been decreased again! 😔

in #marlians4 years ago


We had it coming and we own it all to ourselves! People still think that they are immune to covid. Well they are not. So after 2 months of getting more and more freedom, government decided that it was necessary to increase the social measures again.
They do this to prevent a new complete lockdown which would hurt the economy and of course to protect their citizens!

Guess we will have to sit it out again!



Same here brother! and people are starting to lose their marbles hope the Belgians deal with it better also still no more beers allowed for 6 more weeks so I’m slowly dying

Ouch 6 weeks without !BEER? Wine then?

LOL no beer, wine or spirits or cigarettes, we are totally dry. You have to get them on the black market for insane prices so I rather do without

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There was a taste of freedom tasted good. Now we know what we are doing it for again. Good luck on enlarging the bubble again later on

A matter of time before us Northern neighbors will also be back at the same I guess

Probably they will. We decided just like before to follow the rules as strict as possible!
Trying to protect our loved ones!
Hang in there things will improve but first it will get worse again!

Take care and Some!BEER

Thx for the !BEER

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Hey @fullcoverbetting, here is a little bit of BEER from @minimining for you. Enjoy it!

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Sad to hear, but a necessary step I think. Probably The Netherlands is going to follow suit with re-installing measures. We might be a bit behind you, but the trend looks the same. Stay strong and healthy (and enjoy the beers ;))

Ik hoorde het , it sucks , we moeten zien wat Nederland gaat doen, sterkte en proost