
I never claimed science is a social construct I said that parts of math are cultural conventions. Maybe it is not clear what I mean by cultural convention. Social constructs are spooks, no idea what the left wants to say with that term. By Convention I just mean the society wide ruling of an arbitrary rule, like riding your car on the right side of the street. The Notation, the decimal systems these are conventions.

Mathematics is also an abstraction of reality. 2+2=4 can be wrong in reality. Add 2L O2 and 2L H2 (and some heat), you won't get 4l H2O2. You will get an explosion and some water (much less than 4l)

Do you believe these conventions lead to knowledge? Or do you believe that such knowledge is also convention because the knowledge stared from convention? Or something else?

I think most conventions in our society are good. It is forbidden to attack or murder somebody unless you are defending yourself is one of the things that is just common sense for most human societies. Knowledge is build upon conventions, in specific the conventions we have in science. I would agree that the scientific community achieved a lot in the past 300-3000 years so they seem to have some decent fundamentals/conventions, that said they sure are not flawless.

In other parts of society our conventions seem mostly decent as well. I do think most parts of the law, at least the part normal citizens encounter seems fair. Even tho police might be corrupt I think most of the laws themselves are just.

With all that being sad I do not think that you should shy away from changing something just because it is fundamental, but you should respect that it is A. very hard to change and B. might have far reaching consequences that are tough to predict.