The Matrix has you...

in #matrix4 years ago

When you get free stuff do you feel helpless or empowered?

If you have the ability to destroy something, do you feel controlled by it or do you feel power and ownership over it?

It’s no surprise to me riots often lead to physical harm and looting. Violence is a tragic expression of an unmet need. There are a lot of unmet needs right now as unemployment skyrockets and people are scared and worried and fearful and trying to figure out how to pay their bills and feed their kids. A tiny group of people can turn a peaceful assembly into property destruction and violence. The game theory dynamics of looting (“Well if I don’t get mine, someone else will, so why not me?”) combined with mob mentality and high adrenaline and testosterone leads to risk taking that would otherwise be unthinkable.

Yes, this is a racial issue. To ignore that is to demonstrate ignorance towards a large group of people who live under constant oppression every single day. Unless you’re part of that group, with respect, shut up about it and listen to those who are. You will learn and you will feel, if you truly listen.

Yes, this is an economic issue. Statistics about unemployment due to the lockdown exposing the global financial fiat money scam and the total lack of “economizing” in our “economy” today become far more real when you put an angry face to them. People without are hurting.

Yes, this is a myth of authority issue. For far too long, billions of people have believed the myth that involuntary authority over their lives exists. No one has a greater claim over your body than you, and you alone are responsible for its survival in nature. Government, law enforcement, and every other authority that is put in place over you without your contractual consent is a fiction, no matter what costumes they wear or what ritual gave them their position of so-called power.

I do believe there are strategies being implemented to destabilize the world. I don’t have hard evidence of this, but I listen. I hear stories from people who claim to travel in spheres of global influence or who know firsthand others who do. I see patterns playing out of controlled opposition and misinformation.

I feel the tug.

The Matrix has you...

How to follow the white rabbit, take the red pill, and wake up?

Well, if we’re all just energy living in a holographic universe, fractally connected through time and space to everything then we start within. We start with a breath. The irony is not lost on me that this erupted with one person removing the ability for another person to breathe.

I’ll go out on a limb and say if those tragically expressing their needs on the streets right now (and I include enforcers, looters, provocateurs, etc) had deep peace within their being, if they participated in regular meditation, Wim Hoff breathing, practices in detachment and enlightenment, less association with the self and the ego and more connectedness to the absolute unbounded oneness... well, I dare to say things would look different, and they would be infinitely powerful with no possible way for any authority, regardless of race or economic status, to control them. We have examples throughout the world of this power through our genuine gurus, yogis, sages, rabbis, pastors, and spiritual teachers. Those who never pretend any authority over others but have mastered authority over themselves by letting go of the self.

Trinity: “It's the question that drives us, Neo. It's the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did.”

Neo: “What is the Matrix?”

Trinity: “The answer is out there, Neo. It's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to.”


Immense gratitude for your post! ^^
I have been pondering this "authority vs a mob with pitchforks" dynamic for quite a few weeks now and
1. yes, I too saw this coming from a mile away, it was inevitable, just a matter of "how soon";
2. I also realized that this dynamic stems from an externalized authority, i.e. if we judge it as bad and suppress our own inner authority or any authority at all for that matter and we believe that the only purpose of authority is to control and manipulate us then, well - the results are what we see now. We thus as a collective consciousness have to come to terms with trying to find a way to reconcile and internalize the authority - understanding its value and appreciating how it can be of benefit and service more than anything - for the best of all concerned. And to do so is the responsibility of each of us. This dynamic too needs more love, not less.

I was thus wondering if there was a possibility for us as a Hive community to come together in the intent to reconcile at least some of the polarized "negativity and force" we see around the world at this space-time juncture.

I do believe 2020 is epic insofar as it makes us look within and forces us to wake up to some of the more uncomfortable truths that we've been deliberately overseeing in our toxic "everything is awesome" positivity.

In humble kindness and love,

But the problem is that everyone can't get detached and enlightened simultaneously. And the one who gets enlightened first and tries to enlighten others is eliminated by some "authority".

Jesus was crucified.
Socrates was poisoned.
Meera was poisoned.
Buddha & Mahavira were tortured.
There are several examples in our short history.

Actually, the average person is incapable to bear such "higher" beings and want to retaliate to protect their status quo and ego.

These violence is inevitable and will happen on some pretext or the other.
To remain calm and peaceful in the state of external violence is the test of your own meditation and awareness.

Very well said. Thank you.

The riots are shocking to all those who have been so self centered that they were unaware of the world around them.
Those who have batteled with their own egos, or shadows, or demons have seen this coming. Not something that could happen, but something inevitable.
You seem tuned into the exact nature of things. Its something that cannot be taught to others. They need to tune on for themselves. If they are willing they can be guided.
I think human conciousness is evolving( or maybe I just hope it is).All that takes place now are necessary steps in the process. I agree, it so hard to watch. So much unecessary pain.

Nice!!! The Matrix is everywhere!!!

They want us in fear so we give up our rights! It's happening just as it was planned.
Like you said - everything starts from within.

Peace and love!

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment