Why people celebrate a bad idea after being proven wrong is beyond me.

in #may3 years ago


Socialism will forever be the greatest suppressor of the worker.

Complain about how late it was that the USA got rid of slavery? Of course it was too late. One day of slavery is too much. Socialism makes every person under its rule into a slave.

Child labor? Yeah, it persisted into the twentieth century in the USA. Into the mid 20th century, China was ordering fathers to murder their sons for stealing a bowl of rice. After all, under Socialism, that's state property. Vietnam won a war that we never should have been involved in; but, to the point at hand, they still have child labor.

Socialism isn't a good idea that was handled wrong. It's a bad idea that was executed correctly and ended in more death and human misery than we've seen in the history of the world.

These are facts.

Happy May Day.