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RE: Me too...

in #me-too7 years ago

I think that the problem could be rectified and that it starts with teaching children. People develop certain belief systems about gender and sexuality that are most often not valid. We have to have more open and honest conversations with ourselves about the roles of men and women in society and that SEX and Sexuality is not a dirty thing. Then we will be able to share what we find by having open and honest conversations with our children. I believe that this is the only way to break the cycle. I have had the opportunity to tell my story in front of large groups of people. The amount of people who approach me after and say " Me Too" astounds me. It happens way more than anyone wants to admit and until the truth is revealed the cycle can not be broken


That's right and I think that's what this campaign has achieved. I wasn't taught that no one has the right to touch me. In fact, I grew up in a household where I was taught the only thing I had going for me was what was between my legs.

If I was attractive, I was as successful as I was ever likely to be.