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RE: CBD Oil? 2 SBD for best advice!!!

yeah i get what you are saying. I'm in UK.. We are undergoing the same thing as you i think. Small possession is never enforced of any drug. You can get away with growing 9 plants for your own use. but if they catch you you will lose it and equipment.
In a teal free world it would all be available and stopping what you mentioned with immigrant gangs. We have same problem especially with heroin and cocaine. I buy things from Holland on occasion because we are in customs union..When we leave EU i don't think that arrangement will change that much..


No, i dont think much will change with brexit, if the politicians really work for the blue collar people, it can even be good ... the eu leadership is a corrupt totalitarian bunch. They should go back to the eeg custom union setup imho.

I agree with you there brother.
The EU is just a stepping stone to one world governance...

Hear hear ... indeed