Hand to Heart (tell the truth to YOURSELF!!!)

in #meditation2 years ago (edited)


Get OUT of your HEAD!

Put on a good, high-resolution, nature video that best displays the beauty of nature. Give a few moments to focusing on that beauty. Try to lose yourself in it.

Only after you've noticed yourself feeling much calmer and more peaceful, place your hand over your heart, while lying down in a comfortable position. Notice the sensation of the space around your heart, and in the area of your heart, just under the weight of your hand. Observe the sensations of your "heart-space" for a few moments, as just described.

Now, speak to yourself, with ALL your BEING. Say the words (and you can say them silently, if you prefer), "here, strength" and then pause for a moments to feel the truth of it. Then say, "here, peace" and, again, pause for a few moments to let the truth resonate with the "energy" of your heart-space. Next, say, "here, compassion" and pause again, in the same way. Then do the same when saying the words, "here, security" and "here, stability".

Rest with the feelings for a while, then do the same as before, only this time say the words, "here, I am strong", "here, I am peaceful", "here, I am compassionate", "here, I am secure", and "here, I am stable". Rest again with the feelings that are swirling around and within the area just under the weight of your hand, the space around and within your heart - your heart-space.

See if you can deepen the sense of truth resonating with those words, both by trying to feel deeper into that space and into the sense of energy moving within it and by repeating any of the above statements: "here, ____________".

Do this for as long as feels right for you. You may prefer to do this while still watching the nature video or by moving all of your focus to this practice. It can help to close your eyes and place ALL of your attention onto the sensations within the heart-space, aiming to "push" the words and feelings further and deeper (into that space within).

Do this enough and you will find that you have developed a powerful weapon against feeling down about yourself or your situation(s). Anytime that you find yourself struggling to face the challenge(s) of the moment, you can bring your focus to the area around your heart - your heart-space - and you'll immediately feel a rush of feelings/ emotions/ sensations that reinforce the feelings/ belief that you are strong, peaceful, compassionate, (emotionally) secure and stable.

The more you do this, the truer the statements become and the more powerfully you feel these positive feelings and qualities arising from within you.

You are, in fact, pointing yourself to your truths - awakening THEE truth (about yourself). These positive qualities are ALWAYS with you, inside of you. You just have to get out of your own way long enough to allow them to arise and manifest into your daily life.

Peace and joy to you, and yours :)