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RE: Introduce Yourself In The Comments.. Meet Others and Compare Interests.

in #meetup6 years ago

I guess i can do this!

I'm a nerd, i like tech, programming, history and games of course! I hang out around Steem a lot and Steem basically killed/replaced my Reddit addiction, in Reddit I was mostly a lurker but around here i post and comment more often :^)

I Hang out in a lot of Discord servers but my main one is the Crypto Empire!


Hi, @ lunaticpandora! Nice to meet another Reddit to Steemit convert. I do think that Steemit is a bit more encouraging when it comes to comments and interaction. Case in point.

Agreed, you feel more encouraged to comment here but reddit was already becoming to much of a politics propaganda place after a while, lots of places to evade :^)

True that. I also somehow became more inclined to comment on other social media after being on steemit, though. Whether it's just reaching out to your favourite artist on instagram or to some profession leaders on LinkedIn, the interactivity here kinda leads you to be more open on other platforms too.

funny seeing you here froggy!! :p

I'm everywhere!

@lunaticpandora yeah yeah ... are kissing butt again? bwhahahaahahah

I don't kiss butt! I lick it with my long, slimy frog tongue!


Hehehe following!

@lunaticpandora okay that is totally YOU, funny and yuck for that gross tongueee ewwww

Another face that is out and around! :) Engaging. Seems like it is working.

We like Nerds around here @lunaticpandora :)

If you want to hang out with some fellow steemian nerds we have SteemSpeak on Discord to fill that need.