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RE: Introduce Yourself In The Comments.. Meet Others and Compare Interests.

in #meetup6 years ago

Hello @whatsup Steemit name is @steemflow and flowing in Steem river since Oct'17. Thorougly enjoying the 'dives' and the 'tides' of steem👌 the best part being here till now is meeting some interesting co-Minnows though still waiting to face some Dolphin and Whales on my way. So far i have many Utopian contribution💪 and proud members of #thealliance💪 and #thesteemengine 💪community. I have also one of the founder member of #indiaunited discord server to encourage fellows Indian minnows.(ohh..I am from India btw)😉 I love writing about life more often but i do not restricted to a special segment. I can write on anything i came by. I love to learn new things and grow accordingly. ...

Thats it.....Namaste 🙏@steemflow


hey steemflow, nice to see you here! :p

Hi @eaglespirit no one hide from eagle's eye 😉 ...good to see you here too...👍

@steemflow hey hey how are you SF, i even visited your post today. hope you are well! :)

hello and nice to meet you!

Thanks @whatsup good to be part of this kind of initiative..👌

Namaste @steemflow :)
I'm happy to see you here :)
I'm also from India and want to be a part of steemit community.
Your any kind of suggestions will be appreciatable.
Thank You

Namaste r u , dear ? are already part of steemit @sumn007 yourself and b part of community, in case you want to meet more indians ...join our discord #indiaunited we have steemit account with same name

I'm fine @steemflow :)
Thank You so much for your feedback :)
Can you please provide the link of discord channel?

You can find it in any of the indiaunited post..chk it out.....see you there...👍

You can find it in any of the indiaunited post..chk it out.....see you there...👍