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RE: Weekly meme dump

in #meme2 years ago

I didn't even realize that the portions in USA were huge until I moved overseas. We are just taught over there that especially at a restaurant, of course you are supposed to have much more than you should or in many situations, possibly can eat.

These days I sometimes find myself a bit disappointed that there wasn't more of what I ordered, only to find out 10 minutes later that it was more than enough food, it just takes your stomach a little while to talk to your brain and tell you that you are full.

The running meme hit close to home for me because I did it a few times recently and I would love to say that it kick-started my day but that was not the case at all.


We also have that problem over here where we are conditioned to finish everything on our plates. Then you get those huge portions and it is no wonder so many of us are obese.