Meme challenge #7 - My Turn!

I usually have very bad sense of humor so dunno how this meme can be funny. But I got inspiration from my bad hair day, today!
And because I am a man with vagina - really, after almost 8 months some still think I am a man. Is it because I swear too much? the F word is my favorite, sorry! - of course I would notice Ned's good hair. I mean absolutely no offense, not for the fear of flagging. In contrary.


On a serious note, what shampoo does this guy use?

#dunnoifitsfunny #runtohides


Maybe he has a gel gland.

hmmm. possible. very possible.

On a serious note, what shampoo does this guy use?

My bet would be Chuck Norris' piss -- it's said that his urine is the best known shampoo and conditioner in existence!

You sure make a funny meme for having a "bad sense of humor", btw. Yours might be my favorite of the bunch and it looks by your accumulated votes and current payout that the Steemit community agrees!

lol i think i consumed my beginner's luck. As much as I like Chuck Norris, his piss? nope, not me lol

As much as I like Chuck Norris, his piss? nope, not me lol

Aw, I thought you were cool before you said that :(

if being cool means taking the piss of Norris in my head, i really dont want to be cool hahahahaha

No worries, being cool is over-rated, anyways, even though it can have great benefits for your hair ;)

Lol funny!
Happy International Women's Day :D

owww @richman. thank you very much :*