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RE: Memoir Monday - Week 7 (4/22 to 4/28)

in #memoirmonday2 months ago

It's amazing how certain events and experiences can shape our lives. The story of Elvis Presley's death and its impact on you is a great example of that.

It's interesting to think about how the world was different back then, and how public figures could hold the attention of the entire world in a way that's harder to imagine today. With the rise of social media and the fragmentation of entertainment genres, it seems like there are fewer artists who can capture the attention of the entire world.

I am glad to learn that even though the world has changed, the impact of certain events and figures can still be profound. The death of Anthony Bourdain, for example, had a significant impact on many people, including yourself.

When it comes to the question of whether the past was better, I think it's a matter of perspective. There were certainly aspects of the past that were simpler and more innocent, but there were also challenges and struggles that people faced. In the end, it's up to each of us to appreciate the good things about the past while also recognizing the progress that's been made since then.

Thanks for sharing your memories and insights with us, please, expect my entry by tomorrow.