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RE: Be careful what you wish for

in #memoirmondaylast month

You may discover you have all the time you ever dreamed of and nothing to fill it with

This part of the retirement has never been said enough. Yes, we will have the free time, but what to do with it becomes a problem. Typically, I envy those who found Hive right after or in the middle of their retirement because, in my opinion, they found something to retire to.

What about the rest of the world who only knew work, and nothing more? They will become bored, restless, and lacking purpose. Before you know it, their mental health is at risk


Definitely, we have at least one stable interest - seeing what's new on Hive :)
You are very right in pointing out the risk to one's mental health once life loses meaning... at least the meaning one found in doing a certain job and making money. Mental health decline goes hand in hand with physical health decline. But then seeing a doctor every other week becomes an activity to fill an empty life. Also, once you get whatever condition you also have an excuse. Life would be so much better, I could do so many things if only I didn't have diabetes or heart problems or whatever..