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RE: Memoir Monday - Week 10 (5/13 - 5/19)

in #memoirmonday18 days ago

You've been blessed to have traveled to so many destinations, time to explore Africa?
I agree with you, although I've mostly traveled to various parts of South Africa, and then the Netherlands last year, it is difficult to pick a favourite. Funny how I felt at home in the Netherlands, there's a definite connection there, but that's where most of my ancestors come from.
Oh dear, you are so right, time speeds up way too fast, the older we get!
PS I never got around to last week's difficult topic, but may still do a late one, it was a very trying week, but it ended on a wonderful note!


I look back and am amazed by how many places we visited between 2016 and 2019. Africa is definitely on my list. I could tell you really connected with the Netherlands. Do you think you might ever consider moving there? We were ready to after just a few days there in 2016. There was so much chaos and turmoil going on back then with the election. I'm glad the week ended well! It doesn't matter if you're late with the topic, the rules of this initiative are very loose. Take care Lizelle and enjoy your week!

One of the places you should visit if you travel to Africa, is the Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, still on my bucket list. Everyone who's been there is amazed. Game reserves a definite, the Western Cape and the Drakensberg...and...and...and...the list goes on!
I'm not so sure about moving to the Netherlands permanently, my roots are too deeply planted on African soil.
Enjoy the rest of your week as well Eric!