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RE: Memoir Monday - Week 7 (4/22 to 4/28)

in #memoirmonday2 months ago

I remember the first time I saw Forrest Gump I wondered how a person could live, indirectly, through many historical events in childhood and adolescence. Those of us born in the 1970s have lived through everything, even a pandemic and hopefully not the possibility of World War 3. As I read, I think back and I don't remember a very significant event. I think I'm going to have to go through my memory chest to participate this week. A great Friday, my friend. Hugs


You're right, we've lived through so much change! I'm thankful to have been born before technology took over the world. I'd be interested to hear the first one you can remember. The Space Shuttle disaster would be a close second for me but I was already 15 years old at that point. Thank you, Nancy! I hope you have a great one as well. : )