Repeating the Retreat

Last month I wrote about a weekend mini-retreat. This weekend I am repeating that activity, in the same spot. I had been planning on it for a few days, and then my husband got drunk again the day before I was going to leave, which confirmed my need for a temporary escape.


One of the fringe benefits of staying at this particular place is the proximity to friendly goats. This one likes to have its head scratched.


Mama goat and her kid keep to themselves most of the time.


I brought along good things to eat from our garden. This was a bigger pile of green beans than I'd expected, but I didn't waste any time eating them all.


Another meal involved sauteed squash and onions, also fresh from the garden. A hard boiled egg and a cooky rounded out the meal.

I brought movies to watch on my computer, CDs to listen to, crossword puzzles, books to read, knitting, and a couple of necessary projects that need doing. It has been a relaxing two days, with plenty of naps, and time to think. I've been in a very emotional mood, probably because I allowed myself to feel some feelings I've been ignoring. This evening I plan to attend another Al-Anon meeting on my way home. I am finding those meetings to be quite helpful, and am glad there's a group not too far away. The road of life is likely to be bumpy for the foreseeable future, I may have to make some decisions I never expected to face, and I need all the support I can get, as do our two adult children who are currently living with us while dealing with health problems. My life contains more questions than answers right now. I have to remind myself that God saw all of this coming long ago, and He has a handle on it. My job is to continuously look to Him for guidance and wisdom.