I changed NFT Showroom's Gallery into NIGHT MODE

in #metaverse3 years ago

NFT Showroom has a gallery in the metaverse. After getting edit permissions in the Showroom from @juliakponsford I knew I felt excited to try and mess around with the space. How could I make it look even better?

M E T A V E R S E = C O L L A B O R A T I O N

For me, the idea of open collaborations in the metaverse is super exciting. I love being able to use all these NFTs and put them together in a larger format, an art gallery.

For a guy like me, very excited and enthusiastic about art and crypto, it's amazing to be able to work on the architecture and curation of a metaverse art gallery. Today, it would sound to a lot of people like some silly thing, but we know the truth -- in 5-10 years, metaverse art galleries will be seen in the mainstream culture as being legitimate.

Don't get me wrong, we'll still go IRL to look at cool shit. We'll just also do it online, and there will be less and less distinction between the two.

So yes, I'm a damn art gallery architect and curator. I might just go ahead and make it a part of my career going forward.

Check Out the New NFT Showroom Vibe

All of this to say, I went ahead and turned NFT Showroom into NIGHT MODE.

Check out the look from our neighbor's doorway (shout outs to Bitpixi's Bar) and you can see the refinements. It's a simple vibe, with a few artworks poking out to beckon you in.

041 view from bitpixi.png

That NFT Showroom @ Hive welcome banner is my latest mint, btw. It's a 1-of-1 for 10 HIVE.

Turning around the corner we end up at the Theco Labs exhibit, showing a few works from NFT Showroom's premier collaborative art venture.

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Bids are open for Theco Labs' latest piece.

Keep on going up the stairs and you'll make to the second floor.

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One naughty nun, some shrooms, a terrifying banana hellscape on the right, and then one of Julia's classic glitch portraits right there in the middle. NFT Showroom is WEIRD, man, but I like it.

Turn back and you'll not only see the room you just left, but also an easter egg art on the ceiling. Press A to jump!

044 easter egg art.png

Almost done now... onward, to the top floor!

These two really jump out at me in this context. I saw them on the website before but they didn't resonate. In the metaverse gallery context, I can see the power of these two weird creatures. Looks like art for some kind of insane dubstep song.

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Don't Wake The Sleeping Giant by Deeanndmatthews

However when I turn around it's clear that the third floor is still mostly undeveloped. This is a collaborative "sandbox" style parcel, so anybody can contribute! If you don't have permissions yet, join the NFT showroom discord. Maybe you can make this floor look beautiful for us.

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Damn dude I just love it!! I love the metaverse art gallery concept. I know there are OGs who have been in this metaverse world for a minute, and I am excited to learn from them. At the same time, it's crazy how new and fresh this stuff is, it's like the cutting edge within the cutting edge.


The cutting edge of normal culture = crypto in general

The cutting edge of crypto culture = metaverse art galleries and play-to-earn games??

Feels like it. I'm just trying to have fun and take one day at a time, "let's get 1% better today" kind of mentality. I don't worry about "being in early," but, I mean clearly we are early as fuck, let's just appreciate that and keep building.

Huge shoutouts to everybody at @nftshowroom for allowing me to get involved in this amazing thing you've built. I'm excited to keep bringing my friends in and try to help build the culture here. It's a fun game to see how much amazing art we can make, and how we can share it with the world.

If this post inspires you to sign up for NFT Showroom, you can support me by using my referral link. If you'd prefer, here is a non-referral link as well.