in #mgsc6 years ago

In the previous season, we had observed that there were a lot of problems in the Barca team. we had struggled whenever Leo Messi failed to perform, which were very rare as we had won the Copa Del Rey and LaLiga. But the disappointment that we received in the Champions league was a Big eye-opener. So here are some transfers that Barca needs to look to.

First i will only talk about the attacks only.

After missing out on Antonio Greizmann and Rodrigo(Brazil ,Santos) barca's moral is a bit low, the new tecnical Director Mr Eric Abidal has a lot to do to bring back the mojo to the club.
WhatsApp Image 2018-06-26 at 19.29.32.jpeg

Barca are currently following Hirving Lozano. The PSV forward has shown great signs and Barca are in advanced talks with the player.Luis Surez is a great striker but his performances have clearly been on a downward spiral. May be he has 1-2 years left at top but not ant more so we need to start looking past him.Lozano is just 22 years old and has the footballing sense that barca looks for.He scored 17 goals in 29 games inthe past season which is very promising.He has good pace also to add to these inspiring stats when he joins Barca.But his 2 red cards in the last 29 matches is a source of worry.


After lozano another great option is Timo Werner of RB Leipzig. The German also is a very bright prospect for the future. He is also very young and has an eye for a goal. He also plays in one of the top division of European Football.He also scored 13 goals in 32 games. The only problem with werner is his high asking price which will higher than 100mn.


Another transfer target for Barca is Chritian Pavon of Argentina's Boca juniors.Personally for me he is not a great favourite of mine.His inexperience in European level and less creative mindset makes me put him as my least favourite.
He scored 6 goals in past season in 26 matches.His world campaign although makes him look good but nothing can be said surely.

What do you think about these players?Do you think i missed out on anyone?Please give your views in the comment section.
Another two part of this article will be out soon on midfield and defence. Stay Tuned.


Pavon..... Should stay...

Awesome post. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. You have achieved that.

Thank you bro. Keep following me i will try post more interesting articles that will be worthy of your time.

great work, waiting for the other two parts

@princejain 123 your containt very good .picture quality nice

Bro @princejain123 i read ur content that is good

nice piece of information

Yeah you right bro ,and i hope messi will do best very soon

Keep Updating us.