
Thanks friends for your good comment ,hope all doing good for future

Hlo Bro ï follow u now pls follow Me back and Help each other

really an amazing photography #mgsc

i following u and voted please following me and vote for me

I following u
And voted please following
Me and vote for me

                 - moms43

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

@santanu hey your a very good click photo of that plants very cleverly...

Apart from this I've one question how to improve our steem power plus how I will get upvote on my blog from the high steem power users?

@rhn268 such a good comment,
I will help you contact me

plz help me also bro

@santanu how I'll reach to you for more information regarding above mentioned comments?

@santanu I need your help... Please see my blogs "Tell me about Yourself" I got more than 50+ Upvote but not getting that much Dollars from it. Why this?

@rhn268 Those people upvoted you they don't have enough steem power in their wallet because they are new to this platform. If someone high steem power steemians upvote you then you will get a high reward. Keep posting good content, someday you will get noticed by steemians like whales.

Good luck

really, photo is very clear.

@santanu which mobile model you have? the mobile camera is taking cool images.

I gave you an upvote on your post! Please give me a follow and I will give you a follow in return and possible future votes!

Thank you in advance!

I gave you an upvote on your post! Please give me a follow and upvote my post I will give you a follow in return!

hi sir
i will following u and voted please following me and vote for me

@santanu which phone do you use for capturing?

Beautiful click bro. Now day the camera quality in phone is also decent, anyway which phone you used to click such a amazing picture?

what is the model of d phone


You are doing best work.

I am always with you.

I also follow you and upvote.

Keep it up.

@santanu... I gave you an upvote on your post! 😎Now Please give me a follow and upvote me...😋😅 I will give you a follow in return!😉...

Hi I am from MGSC community. I gave you an upvote on your post! Please give me a follow and I will give you a follow in return! Thanks in advance

@santanu, That's wonderful. What kind of photography you are interested in. Mostly natural or any other ?


nice pic dude.. please visit my first post, vote and support me.

wow looks really nice from a phone camera
kepp it up

nice image bro .which is your mobile .because picture quality is good