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RE: Port Wine Magnolia - get Drunk on the Perfume

in #michelia6 years ago

A popular fragrant shrub, Port Wine Magnolia is an evergreen flowering tree or shrub with perfumed flowers that are the colour of port wine.

Flowers will appear on old wood so it makes a good flowering and fragrant hedging plant, why is this ? Because even if you prune it it will flower… simple as that.

These are a slow growing plant, so advanced specimens will be costly. If you are looking for fantastic flowers, this is not the plant for you either, the flowers are small and fairly insignificant, but they smell great.

Really very useful as a feature plant near a pathway where the fragrance can be appreciated however they are also very suitable for a low hedge.

Over time a Port Wine Magnolia will reach a height of 3m but can easily be pruned back to shape and size, they can also be used as a specimen plant in a pot or container.
