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RE: From My Window | Micro-Fiction

in #microfiction6 years ago

Nice. I am on the tenth floor of a bldg dab smack in the center of Times Square. Walking distance to a fire engine company, three police precincts, three hospitals, Broadway plays are a block away. MY air conditioner and two fans spin non stop to deliver the white noise to mask the never ending noise from street level. I so identify. Bullseye. Thanks for the intro to micro fiction. Yours was spot on for me.


You'd think snow would mute the cacophony. Nope. I can hear the tires sloshing through the wet snow. With the window closed. And guess where some of the crowd lines up to watch the ball drop on New Year's eve? Yeah. You guessed it. Ha! Cheers!


Oh man, I love the idea of the city but the noise drives me mad. I can only imagine how bad it is for you, living smack dab in the middle of it! I’m always happy to return to the country where the loudest thing is the neighbor’s dog barking!

I must say, though, it’s a cool view!