The launch of the new secret WEAPON of the Bundeswehr

in #military3 years ago (edited)


The robot dog "Wolfgang 001" dashed forward with pointed steel claws. A drone takes off from its back and sends live video of the enemy to the grenade tanks behind it - directly on their screen. Bundeswehr's new secret weapon!

Here the Bundeswehr fights according to the motto: "Digitate or die!"

Barracks rtzetal in Munster (Lower Saxony), military test association for digitization (111 employees). Here we examine what will be vital to the troops on the battlefield in the future.

"This formation can actually fight in two to four years," said Brigadier General Frank Pieper (57).


Around the world, digital upgrades are often carried out regardless of the law. "If we don't progress fast enough technologically, we will lose the battle," Pieper said.


This is the "mother infantry" (720 hp, 7.93 meters long, speed 103 km / h).

The armored transport vehicle, which can be used for night combat, is available in six different vehicle versions, for example as a command vehicle or an ambulance. There was room for ten soldiers on the ship. This eight-wheeled boxer is armed with a grenade launcher (40 mm).

With this nameless autonomous ground vehicle (nearly three meters long), infantrymen no longer have to transport equipment, food or ammunition. "Mission Master" can carry a payload of up to 600 kilos.

With the help of sensors, cameras and an electric motor with an operating time of up to eight hours, the car followed the soldiers almost silently through the area.

Initial tests were carried out with a commercially available mini quadrocopter (10x10x5 cm in size, weighs approx. 80 g). It transmits video images with a resolution of 1280 x 720 (720p), can stay in the air for about 10-15 minutes - how one can significantly extend the time is also being researched.

"Wolfgang - 001" is over a meter long, weighs 30 kg and can be operated for about 90 minutes before needing to be recharged.

Autonomous "dogs" (costs from 63,000 euros) can be used by soldiers to clear terrain or buildings, carry loads or launch drones from their backs.

This is controlled by the data glove to record hand and finger movements with haptic feedback.



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