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RE: Some books that will make you a millonaire before your 30's

in #millonaire3 years ago

Hey mate. Fairly obvious that you're new around here. Happy to have you.

Okay so, apart from a few typo and maybe the haphazard markdown styling, (hopefully we would work on both later) I enjoyed your post.

Immediately I saw it was about books I knew I wanted to read it. I haven't read any of them, but to be fair I have come across them, especially Kiyosaki's Gem. I listened to the audio book to a point before abandoning.

Cialdini's work is also brilliant. I don't think these books will make you a millionaire per se 😅 but the information in them are perspective altering and important to understanding how money works and all. Enough rambling.

You should also try to join different communities. There are tons of them on various niche, just join the one of your interest and interact with like minds and also share your post in the community for more visibility.

There is a community here called Hive book club. Subscribe, join, and You can share your your book related post and i'd really like to see your book reviews soon

There is also discord. Ha, enough talk, lets start from here first.

Cheers mate.