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RE: Mindful Moments #7: Special Quarantine Edition/You Are What You Think

in #mindfulmoments4 years ago

Good stuff! I am with you, I feel like all I do is eat, sleep, and wash my hands. I have started to get into a new routine, but it isn't the same as my old routine and that kind of throws me. I have been doing a lot of walking with my wife and dog and that is nice, but sometimes it just reminds me of what my day should be like and then I get a little down. It would be nice if things could just return to a little bit of normal, or we had some bit of hope that our normal is going to return soon. I think it will probably be this week that we find out if my wife is going to get laid off or not.


Thank you @bozz. I sympathize with you. I hope your wife doesn't get laid off. This is going to get increasingly difficult in the weeks to come. Just yesterday I was beginning to feel a little stir-crazy so I decided to write this post. This quarantine hasn't effected my work routine too much since I work from home but the weather hasn't been ideal here so getting outside has been difficult. Stay strong and well, my friend and thanks for dropping by!

Yeah, I hear you. I would love nothing more than to sit on my deck and look at the woods, but it has just been too cold. Plus we had that rain come through, so now our back yard is basically a swamp! My wife would love your breathing exercise. She always tells me and her students,"sniff the flower, blow out the candle"

The great thing is that better weather is on the way and I can't wait for it. I LOVE that..."sniff the flower, blow out the candle." it's perfect. I wish you both a great Sunday!

Thanks, you too. We have some rain coming through this afternoon, then pretty clear the first part of the week!