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RE: Embracing My Introverted Nature {Mindful Monday}

in #mindfulmonday5 years ago

I relate to this so much! Sorry I took ages to get around to reading it - been a busy week so far, and I've been pulled here and there. I totally get what you are talking about - I thought there was something wrong with me, too, for a long time. Being alone recharges me - people don't seem to understand that. It took many years for my husband not to be offended when I said 'babe, I just need to be left alone' ie don't talk to me or ask me questions because even 'where's the vegemite' is an intrusion on my energy right now! Now, he knows - I just have to say 'I'm shut for the evening', especially if I've had a full day at work. I've got part time at last which gives me a buffer zone.

even a lot of work settings have done away with private offices in favor of open work spaces to save money and foster teamwork

Worse nightmare!!! The thing is, and I'm sure this book told you that, that we need introverts just as we need extroverts - workplaces, well, good ones, are starting to realise that too. Everyone brings a different dynamic to the table.

Sometimes it means just going for a run by myself to get my energy back and work through the emotions of the day or week. Other times I just want to stick my face in a book for hours on end and not deal with anyone in person.

Yes, yes and yes. Hence my part time - I now have time to walk on the beach or do yoga. No accident my favourite sports are largely solo ones - walking, yoga, surfing. And horse riding as a kid!

You sound like you got a good handle on what YOU need to be the best you that you can be, and from this perspective, that's a pretty darn awesome you. xx


Looks like it's been a great week in the natural medicine community with lots of good posts, so I'm just trying to catch up with some commenting around myself! Especially this book challenge. Some really interesting selections that I am excited to explore!

So much yes on the partner front. My boyfriend will constantly ask if I need help, which is absolutely wonderful when I do need something done around the house or some technical help with something I want to post. But there are some times where even him asking this truly benign question makes me want to pull my hair out! Like you said, you just get to the point where you are just done for the day, especially when you work in a field where you have to be "on" so much.

I'm so glad my work situation generally allows some free time, as well. Though I have to deal with people if I want to make money, I have control over my schedule so I can always make sure to allow breaks when I need them. When I first started as a trainer I worked at a place where there were only a few of us, so I was pretty much available M-F all day for training and Saturday mornings/afternoons. By Sundays I was so beat. My boss at the time was a true extrovert, so I don't think he realized how burnt out I was getting. Thank goodness my situation now is much more flexible so I can still enjoy my work.

Though I had learned a lot about myself just taking those psychology classes in school, this book really was so wonderful with showing the value of having introverts in so many settings. I see the breakdowns in our current political climate and can't help but think having some more sensitive, introverted people in positions of power might help bring more balance. The problem is a lot of us don't want that pressure unfortunately. At least, as you said, the business world seems to be understanding that more. I know a lot of friends who are able to work from home a few days a week or even adjust their work hours to be more suited to their needs (for personality reasons and just life priorities like kids or other family needs).

Thank you and @naturalmedicine for hosting another really awesome challenge! Definitely rewarding to my own mental health to explore all different topics that I am passionate about and be able to share with others. 💚