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RE: He's So Shifty

in #mindset10 months ago

Mr. Taraz, without a doubt, according to NLP, the type of eye movement bypasses many pathologies, including that of the liar, unstable people, among other disorders.

We have been brought up and created to look at and listen to external voices and external commands, to adapt to the rules, and our eyes are responsible for carrying the information to memory and turning it into thoughts.

This information will only have a positive or negative response because it will depend on who interprets it.

With your neurologist who should be your attending physician, after the stroke two years ago, you can improve these involuntary movements with exercises.

Have a nice day.💚


We have been brought up and created to look at and listen to external voices and external commands, to adapt to the rules, and our eyes are responsible for carrying the information to memory and turning it into thoughts.

I wonder if they track the eye movement of blind people, if they look in similar directions.

With your neurologist who should be your attending physician, after the stroke two years ago, you can improve these involuntary movements with exercises.

These particular movements are unlikely to be repaired, because if they are, I am not thinking.

I wonder if they track the eye movement of blind people if they look in similar directions.

In the case of blind people, they have learned to dare in time for their inner listening, it is a journey to the center of Being, to a deep, frank, and sincere self-knowledge. Where they recognize and embrace their strengths. They dive into their internal waters.

These particular movements are unlikely to be repaired because if they are, I am not thinking.

Involuntary movements, depending on the pathology, perhaps some with rehabilitation and physiatry, can improve. I speak from experience Mr. Taraz, I have been suffering from vertigo for years, and this has led me to have involuntary movements in the face, sometimes eyes, sometimes mouth, and with exercises I have learned to control them... this condition has improved significantly.