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RE: The Unhindered Truth About Different Worldviews...

in #mindset5 years ago

I do not agree because we are all the products of our environment and the society we grow up in. Based on where we grow up, will determine how we perceive the world.

The worldview of many people today focuses on worldly desires and materialism and so called success. Economic development is pursued and there are many uneducated people thinking they know it all without studying research, facts and natural laws.

If you grow up in the west, you will be programmed with goals such as wealth, power and competition. This pits us against one another and against our earth, that sustains us. The culture in the west if void of any meaning and when people are injected with poisons, such as vaccines, eating chemical food, using fluoride toothpaste and drinking the chemical water, their worldview and understanding about themselves will be altered significantly.

Many people here in the west are sick and overweight, very stressed out and dying of diseases. Unless you take a vested interested in uncovering the truth, then you will be living in the dark and believing all sorts of lies and mistruths.

The problem with many people today is they think they know it all based on arrogance and programming that we are subjected to, such a mainstream media lies and propaganda and people can be easily programmed and manipulated.

In order to be a well developed person, you must have good values and live life based on love, respect, courage, humility, truth, wisdom, honesty, such as we have in our Indigenous culture that has been around for thousands of years.


It is definitely hard to break out of the matrix when you are in the west. I shut down most major media about 20 years ago, but still, you cannot be free of it. I moved to SE Asia a few years ago and was immediately shocked by the change in yt. All of the sudden, programs that had been blocked were now available. I also notice people to be way more laid back here and more open to views that are not their own. It's much more peaceful and free here. My only regret is that I did not get out of the us sooner.