My fourth attempt to create and draw a maze in Minecraft

in #minecraft3 years ago (edited)

The fourth maze I create and draw in Minecraft. The fifth that I make but the first one was not created by me, I only build the Minecraft version.

The path is from the room in the top left corner to the train station a the right bottom corner.


This build in Minecraft is just to make this one picture for printing and is not downloadable as Minecraft World, sorry you Minecraft lovers. Would like to be able to make it work as a Minecraft maze but it's made mixing and hacking three texture packs + my oven models and programming so that texture pack is just a mesh and not workable except for this one picture.

But I have come a long way since I made the first maze in Minecraft, so most probably the next one will be downloadable and playable in Minecraft for all that would be interested to do so.

It was never my intention to become a game developer, I was only curious if I could use Minecraft to draw this kind of mazes. But even tho I have only made few such mazes, I have been posting them in places both where people that like puzzles are, and also where Minecraft players hang out, And I have got a huge response. Everybody wants to download them to play. But I'm only a beginner in this field, it's one thing to build in a game to make a game.

But all my life has been like this. It's like I have no control over it and it never turns out as I plan or what it to be. But I'm not complaining, it's been a lot of fun and I have got the changes to do so many things that I had never dreamed of, and even the downside has often turn out to become a great opportunity and opening of new doors.

Like this one for an instance. I got sick, and today I'm only a shadow of myself. Doctors are not finding what is closing it and I have slowly lost the ability to work the work I have been doing the last couple of years, and in this condition not able to work any common work. And it has become so bad that now the doctors want to put me on a disability pension because my income has slowly declined the more and more I get sick.

But I'm no ordinary gay; those of you that have been keeping in contact with all since the Tsu days know that. So to keep my mind from sinking and not fall into depression and self-pity, I started this little bit creasy thing that like I am, nobody had done before and nobody is doing. And then there are a lot of folks liking it and possibly I will find myself become a "game designer," starting at the age of 61?

Well, that's my life in a nutshell. One of the things I haw to deal with is a double sight I get a lot, then I have to close one way to be able to work on the computer, but hay, then I just do it. I can work on making Minecraft puzzles like that even to I can't do the things I use to work doing.

So, the "old" sick gay is maybe becoming a game designer? I can laugh at the idea. But that's a good sign, shows that my sickness doesn't have the upper hand in my life.

So, no crying, just keep on drawing and learn all the programming. I have learned a lot of sins I started on this not planned journey, but they're a lot more I have to learn, but not been able to work a regular job I have more time to learn new things, and curious as I am, I'm always eager to learn new things, to know something new.

But this was not what I had in mind writing, just posting one picture. But because so many of you are old friends and fellow travelers since the "old" Tsu days, I think that maybe I rather what to know why I haven't been around much lately, well, last years really, this is the reason, but also, the outlook is not as bleak as it sounds. I may be so sick that I can't work a regular work, double sight is not the best to take photos for example ;) but then I just do something else. I have done so many different things in my life that this is no surprise to me really, bad things have the possibility to turn out good, you just may never give in to self-pity and depression, always move on, if one door close, don't wait for the next one to open up, open it your self, and it's best, at least in my case, to start doing something "crazy", at least something that sound and look crazy comper to what you have been doing. When you start it, it can turn out to be your next great opportunity in life.

Quoting Forest Gump: „“My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.” But you have to open up the box and pick on chocolates, otherwise, you don't get anything. So, I picked this one, sounded farfetched when I started, today? Could be my next career. Who would have thought that it would happen? Noone, but that's my life, always been like this, always will be.

Take care, and thanks for always been here when I drop in, it means a lot to me. [ Is this too sentimental? Well hell, that's just me, you know me ;) ]