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RE: How to mine ETH with GPU on your Mac

in #mining7 years ago (edited)

soon8013. I am hoping you can help me track down a bug in this implementation. From your description, you are running into the same issue as I and not realizing it. Watch your terminal output closely when running these commands. Your main command:


-Try putting 0 or 1 as the --opencl-device value. It doesnt matter, if you watch the output it says

"Found suitable OpenCL device [ Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 ] with 1610612736 bytes of GPU memory".

-That is only 1.6GB of memory. It appears to be using the onboard Intel GPU no matter what I put in. My dedicated Radeon Pro 560 has 4GB memory, and if it indeed was using that GPU, would be netting MUCH higher than the ~ 1.5 MH/s (I was getting the exact same numbers as you) - this GPU would be getting more like 20+ MH/s I would imagine. I tried messing with the "--opencl-platform" parameters and got the same crap results, and '1' it wont even run.

If it is indeed the Intel GPU running every time (only thing that explains 1.5 MH/s), HOW is it running. The Ethereum DAG file is well over 1.6 GB, so the Intel must be using shared system memory or something to load the DAG.

Maybe this issue has something to do with the automatic graphics switching these newer Macs use.

Side note issue: I have yet to get the miner to run successfully again, not even at the 1.5 MH/s rate. No error messages, the terminal just stops outputting. So many problems with this setup, is any of this making sense???


Oh I've just read your reply. I'll check it deeper.