
... I did get the following error after step 4.2 and not sure how to proceed:

Michaels-MacBook-Pro:build michaelwickson$ cmake ..
-- [hunter] Initializing Hunter workspace (aafb99b93d466f963d53a39271f20d5074996cb0)
-- [hunter]
-- [hunter] -> /Users/michaelwickson/.hunter/_Base/Download/Hunter/0.19.86/aafb99b
xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun

[hunter ** INTERNAL **] Build project failed
[hunter ** INTERNAL **] [Directory:/Users/michaelwickson/Applications/ethminer]

------------------------------ WIKI -------------------------------

CMake Error at cmake/HunterGate.cmake:82 (message):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
cmake/HunterGate.cmake:92 (hunter_gate_wiki)
cmake/HunterGate.cmake:346 (hunter_gate_internal_error)
cmake/HunterGate.cmake:510 (hunter_gate_download)
CMakeLists.txt:12 (HunterGate)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

Nevermind ... i think i have it now

It's working now but all I get is a bunch of zeroes:

ℹ 16:32:06| Found suitable OpenCL device [ HD Graphics 4000 ] with 1610612736 bytes of GPU memory
ℹ 16:32:06| Connecting to stratum server
ℹ 16:32:06|stratum Connected to stratum server : 4444
ℹ 16:32:06|stratum Starting farm
cl 16:32:06|cl-0 No work. Pause for 3 s.
ℹ 16:32:06|stratum Subscribed to stratum server
ℹ 16:32:06|stratum Authorized worker 0x5ead442ce3bf8089409d6415758def3e34f518e0.mrwickson
ℹ 16:32:06|stratum Received new job #2f790f64
m 16:32:06| Speed 0.00 Mh/s gpu/0 0.00 [A0+0:R0+0:F0] Time: 00:00
m 16:32:06| Speed 0.00 Mh/s gpu/0 0.00 [A0+0:R0+0:F0] Time: 00:00
m 16:32:07| Speed 0.00 Mh/s gpu/0 0.00 [A0+0:R0+0:F0] Time: 00:00
m 16:32:07| Speed 0.00 Mh/s gpu/0 0.00 [A0+0:R0+0:F0] Time: 00:00
m 16:32:07| Speed 0.00 Mh/s gpu/0 0.00 [A0+0:R0+0:F0] Time: 00:00
m 16:32:07| Speed 0.00 Mh/s gpu/0 0.00 [A0+0:R0+0:F0] Time: 00:00

Does my MacBook have too old of a graphics card or is there a lag while a DAG file is downloaded?

Would you show me your result from this command?

./ethminer --list-devices

Same problem .
Screen Shot 2017-12-24 at 12.10.26 AM.png

Your result shows that your graphics device(Redeon Pro 455) has 2GB memory, and I think it's not enough to handle recent DAG file.